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Faculty of Civil Engineering


The Faculty of Civil Engineering was established by a resolution of the University’s authorities in September 1945 as one of the first four faculties of Wrocław University of Science and Technology. The Faculty originally comprised two Units: Architecture and Civil Engineering and Hydro Engineering. The first dean of the Faculty and its organiser was Professor Tadeusz Wróbel, MSc, Eng, Arch.  In September 1949, the two units transformed into independent faculties. The Civil Engineering and Hydro Engineering Unit originated the Faculty of Engineering with its Civil Engineering and Hydro Engineering Units. The first Dean of the new faculty was Professor Wiktor Mamak, PhD, Eng. In 1954, due to the closing down of the Hydro Engineering Unit, the Faculty of Engineering changed its name to the Faculty of Civil Engineering.

In the period 1945-1951, there were nine Departments at the Faculty: Construction Technology, Road and Street Engineering, Bridge Engineering, Steel and Reinforced Steel Structures, Hydro Engineering I, Hydro Engineering II, Strength of materials and Statics of Structures, and Sanitary Technology.

In the period 1952-1968, the Faculty comprised 12 Departments headed by members of academic staff holding self-contained positions. Those were the following Departments: Construction Technology, Hydro Engineering, Road and Street Engineering, Railway Engineering, Bridge Engineering, Foundation Engineering, Geodesy, Reinforced Steel Structures, Construction Materials, Mechanics of Structures, Metal Civil Engineering Structures, and Organisation and Mechanisation of Construction. In late 1964, the Faculty of Civil Engineering saw the emergence of the Open-Pit Mining Unit, which - following the initial organisation period - was transformed into the independent Faculty of Mining (September 1, 1968).

Starting from September 1, 1968, the Faculty’s activity was limited chiefly to tasks consisting in education and mentoring, while the scientific and research tasks of the Departments were taken over by the three Institutes:

  • Building Construction Engineering, comprising mainly the following Departments: Construction Technology, Reinforced Steel Structures, Construction Materials, Metal Civil Engineering Structures, and - partly - Organisation and Mechanisation of Construction; its first head was Professor Adam Mitzel;
  • Civil Engineering, comprising the following Departments: Road and Street Engineering, Railway Engineering, Bridge Engineering, and Mechanics of Structures; its first head was Professor Jan Różycki;
  • Geotechnology, comprising the following Departments: Hydro Engineering, Foundation Engineering, Geodesy, and – following the closing down of the Open-Pit Mining Unit: Mining Mechanics, and Geology and Petrography; its first head was Professor Igor Kisiel.

The institutes’ organisational structure would transform, according to the resolutions of the University’s authorities. In the early time, there were divisions within the institutes, headed by academics holding self-contained positions. Big departments changed into two or three divisions, which caused problems related to educational activities that needed to be regulated. Due to that, education teams were established after a few years to perform the functions of basic organisational units operating at institutes. Usually, a team like this comprised staff of a former single department. Research teams were established to carry out specific scientific and research tasks and then disbanded. One employee could belong to more than one research team. After many years of organisational experiences, the institutes of the Faculty of Civil Engineering adopted a division-based structure. A division would be headed by a single person, responsible for its educational and research activity, as well as cooperation with industry.

In the years 1990-2014, the Faculty organised its educational, research, and technology-oriented activity on its own. The Faculty’s organisational cells comprised the following faculty institutes, departments and divisions:

Institute of Building Construction Engineering (I-2), comprising

  • Department of Concrete Structures
  • Department of Metal Structures
  • Division of Construction Technology
  • Division of Physics of Structures and Computer Design Methods
  • Division of Construction Materials, and Wooden and Historical Constructions
  • Division of Design Methods and Structure Development

Institute of Geotechnology and Hydro Technology (I-10), comprising

  • Division of Hydro Engineering and Geodesy
  • Division of Foundation Engineering
  • Division of Engineering and Environmental Geology
  • Division of Geomechanics and Underground Engineering

Institute of Civil Engineering (I-14), comprising

  • Department of Roads and Airports
  • Division of Structural Dynamics
  • Division of Urban Engineering
  • Division of Rail Transport Infrastructure
  • Division of Bridges
  • Division of Structures’ Statics and Safety
  • Division of Strength of Materials

In January 2012, the Social Council came into being at the Faculty, and a year later the Faculty Convention was established, comprising representatives of local, national, and foreign civil engineering companies and the President of Polish Chamber of Civil Engineers, the President of the Main Board of Polish Association of Civil Engineers and Civil Engineering Technicians, and the President of the Board of the Wrocław Council of the Federation of Engineering Associations “NOT”, as well as the Chief Editor of “Building Materials” (“Materiały Budowlane”) magazine.

In 2011, the Faculty was given a distinction by the Polish Accreditation Commission as the only faculty delivering education in building construction engineering degree programmes, and in 2012 a distinction granted to it by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education for the best faculty providing building construction engineering courses.

The Faculty of Civil Engineering is a member of the Association of European Civil Engineering Faculties (AECEF) and the European Civil Engineering Education and Training Association (EUCEET).

On January 1, 2015, the institutes were discontinued, and the Faculty transitioned to an organizational structure defined by the following units:

  • Department of Geotechnology, Hydro Technology, and Underground and Hydro Engineering (W2/K1)
  • Department of Metal Structures (W2/K2)
  • Department of Mechanics of Structures and Urban Engineering (W2/K3)
  • Department of Bridges and Railways (W2/K4)
  • Department of Construction Technology (W2/Z1)
  • Department of Roads and Airports (W2/Z2)
  • Department of Building Physics and Computer Design Methods (W2/Z3)
  • Department of Concrete Constructions (W2/Z4)
  • Department of Construction Materials, and Wooden and Historical Constructions (W2/Z5)
  • Department of Technology and Management in Civil Engineering (W2/Z6)
  • Department of Strength of Materials (W2/Z7)

Currently the Faculty consists of six departments.

  • Department of Building Engineering
  • Department of Building Structures
  • Department of Geotechnology, Hydro Technology, and Underground and Hydro Engineering
  • Department of Materials Engineering and Construction Processes
  • Department of Mechanics of Structure and Urban Engineering
  • Department of Roads, Bridges, Railways, and Airports

A detailed Faculty Structure can be found in Structure section.

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