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Faculty of Civil Engineering

Department of Roads, Bridges, Railways and Airports

Department of Roads, Bridges, Railways and Airports is divided into three teams with following reaerch interests:

  • Design and construction of new bridge structures
    • Innovative solutions in design of concrete, metal, masonry, and composite bridge structures,
    • Advanced numerical modeling of bridge structure geometry, materials, and loads, including non-linear models, during design processes,
    • Static and dynamic analyses of all types of bridge structures during the design procedures,
    • Modeling and analyses of non-typical and pioneering bridge structures,
    • Scientific supervision of bridge design processes,
    • Development of new types of bridge structures, including:
      • Innovative prefabrication of bridge elements,
      • Progress in prestressing of bridge structures,
      • Advanced composite structures in bridge engineering,
      • New forms of cable-supported bridges,
    • Historical traditions and individual conditions in the design of new bridge structures.
    • Innovative solutions in construction of concrete, metal, masonry, and composite bridge structures,
    • Advanced numerical modeling of bridge structure geometry, materials, and loads, including non-linear models, during construction phases,
    • Static and dynamic analyses of all types of bridge structures during the construction phases,
    • Analysis of technical and environmental impacts on the construction processes,
    • Development of new forms of bridge erection technologies, including:
      • Span-by-span method,
      • Longitudinal launching method,
      • Cantilever method,
      • Special methods,
    • Scientific supervision over the construction processes of bridge structures,
    • Static and dynamic load tests before opening the structure for traffic.
  • Testing, analysis and monitoring of existing bridge structures
    • Basic, advanced, and special inspections of all types of bridge structures,
    • Detection and identification of bridge defects using advanced visual inspection methods, including endoscopes, geodetic measurements, microscopes, etc.
    • Testing of bridges and identification of bridge defects by means of wide-range non-destructive testing (NDT) methods, including covermeters, Schmidt hammers, ultrasonic measurements, impact-echo methods, computer tomography, infrared thermovision, acoustic emission, etc.),
    • Testing of bridges and identification of bridge defects by means of wide-range semi-destructive testing (SDT) methods, including chemical field and laboratory tests (carbonation, chloride, etc.) as well as physical field and laboratory tests (strength of material, petrographic examination, etc.),
    • Identification of physical and chemical parameters of all types of structural materials,
    • Static and dynamic testing of bridge structures under programmed loads (including the use of vibration inductors) and random loads (operational loads),
    • Determination of tension forces in stay cable systems based on dynamical methods
    • Static and dynamic load tests of bridge structures with defects,
    • Numerical modeling of bridge structures with defects:
      • Wide-range models of bridge structures geometry,
      • Linear and non-linear models of all types of structural materials,
      • Advanced models of loads, including environmental impacts,
    • Static and dynamic analyses of all types of bridge structures with defects,
    • Calculation of structure load-capacity, fatigue durability, and other operational parameters for bridges with defects,
    • Assessment of technical condition and serviceability of bridge structures with defects,
    • Special consideration dedicated to numerical modeling and analysis of structures aimed at simulation of the structural behavior under service as well as failure loads,
    • The impact of environmental factors on bridge structures,
    • Structural robustness and redundancy of bridges at accidental situations,
    • Design as well as supervision of rehabilitation or modernization of dysfunctional bridge structures.
    • Short-term and long-term monitoring of bridge structures during operation,
    • Design, implementation, and maintenance of various types of monitoring systems,
    • Application of advanced measuring technologies and techniques in monitoring systems, including:
      • Mechanical sensors,
      • Electrical resistance sensors,
      • Inclinometers and tiltmeters,
      • Acoustic emission techniques,
      • Fibre optics techniques,
      • Radar techniques,
      • Laser techniques,
      • Load cells,
      • Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS),
    • Monitoring of live loads and environmental impacts (temperature, humidity, wind, water flow, etc.),
    • Human-structure interaction and dynamic stability of footbridges,
    • Assessment of comfort and safety of footbridges,
    • High-speed load models and dynamic analyses of railway bridges,
    • Field monitoring of structures using acoustic emission testing methods,
    • Remote control of monitoring systems and wireless transmission of monitoring data,
    • Individual methods of recording and analysis of monitoring data.
  • Maintenance and management of bridge infrastructure
    • Individual expert opinions on technical condition and serviceability of bridge structures with defects,
    • Development of individual methods of rehabilitation and strengthening of bridge structures,
    • Design and scientific supervision over the implementation of rehabilitation processes,
    • External prestressing in rehabilitation of bridge structures,
    • Acquiring of input values for individual lifetime model for monitored bridge helpful in operation and maintenance planning,
    • Assessment and forecasting of the technical condition, load-bearing capacity, and durability of bridge structures based on the results of experimental tests.
    • Scientific basis of computer-based bridge maintenance systems with elements of artificial intelligence,
    • Implementation of advanced models of bridge structures with defects in bridge management systems (BMS),
    • Assessment and forecasting of the load-bearing capacity and durability of bridge structures based on the results of experimental tests,
    • Design, implementation, and maintenance of knowledge-based bridge management systems (BMS),
    • Design and implementation of expert systems with elements of artificial intelligence supporting decisions in bridge infrastructure management,
    • Application of advanced BIM models in bridge management systems (BMS),
    • On-line observation of bridge technical condition and serviceability based on predefined performance indicators,
    • Analysis of changes in structure response to loads focused on detection and identification of defects.

If you would like to discuss an area of research in more detail, please contact Prof. Jan Bien, email: or any other member of team


  • Main areas of scientific interest:
    • mechanics of rail superstructure and overhead lines
    • dynamics and reliability of railroad infrastructure objects (superstructure and substructure, bridges, viaducts, flyovers, rail vehicles, overhead lines)
    • forecasting and evaluation of high-speed rail dynamic impacts on railroad infrastructure
    • simulation calculations of transport structure vibrations
    • vibration insulation of railroad and tramway transport infrastructure
    • streetcar and rail traffic engineering
    • computer-aided systems in the design and maintenance of rail transport infrastructure
  • Equipment and Laboratory:
    • computer laboratory with advanced, up-to-date software
    • specialized equipment for diagnostics of track superstructure and substructure
    • basic equipment for soil field testing
    • laboratory stations for model tests of pavement and subgrade of rail roads
  • Range of proposed services:
    • planning of railroad networks and urban rail transport systems
    • design of railroads, stations and urban rail
    • research and expertise in the field of rail superstructure (rail, streetcar, subway) and assessment of their technical condition
    • research and expertise in evaluation of vibrations caused by rail and tramway traffic on the condition of rail track and adjacent structures, evaluation of vibration insulation
    • supervision and consulting of design and planning of rail transport infrastructure
    • scientific and technical expertise in the assessment of the technical condition of rail transport infrastructure
    • field and laboratory studies of the subsoil of rail roads
    • computer aided design of rail infrastructure

If you would like to discuss an area of research in more detail, please contact Maciej Kruszyna, email:


  • Scope of research:
    • Mechanical tests of the materials, products and structures
    • Physical properties tests of the materials and products
    • Non destructive testing of the engineering structures
    • Road and airports pavement testing and diagnostics
    • Use of recycled materials
  • Scope of analysis and expertise:
    • Identification of the road and airport pavement model parameters – FWD, LWD, VSS
    • Identification of the rheological properties of the bituminous materials – DSR tests
    • Structure research – tomography X-ray tests
    • Identification of the surface properties of the road and airport pavements – longitudinal and lateral roughness; friction coefficient
    • Pavement fatigue prediction - FEM numerical computations
    • Reviewing of the research projects, judicial opinions and expertises

If you would like to discuss an area of research in more detail, please contact Piotr Mackiewicz:; tel. 608-865-512


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