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Faculty of Civil Engineering

APD Thesis Archive System

Students should complete the diploma thesis and obtain the supervisor's approval for entering the final version of the thesis into the APD system.

The full procedure in APD goes as follows:

  1. A student inputs thesis and other required data into the APD system.
  2. A supervisor checks and corrects (if necessary) the data entered by the thesis student into the APD system.
  3. A supervisor conducts a plagiarism check on the thesis through the JSA System (Jednolity System Antyplagiatowy - Uniform Antiplagiarism System).
    NOTE 1: The system allows only one withdrawal of the thesis for corrections and submission of a new set for rechecking.
    NOTE 2: Theses deemed non-original should be immediately reported via email to the Dean's Office.
  4. A supervisor issues a review.
    NOTE 3: Reviews for engineering theses are in survey form, while master's theses reviews are open-ended with a limit of 1000 characters including spaces
  5. A supervisor enters the thesis grade into APD and USOS.
  6. A reviewer issues a review.
  7. A supervisor submits the thesis for the diploma exam.
  8. A student collects the original signed documents from the supervisor:
    • “General Report – Conclusions”,
    • JSA anti-plagiarism control general report,
    • supervisor’s review.
  9. A student collects the original signed review from the reviewer.
  10. A student must submit all required documents for the diploma exam to the Dean's Office in person.
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